Lifestyle Changes for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Boca Raton, FL

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an uncomfortable topic for many men to discuss with their healthcare providers, but it impacts over 30 million men in the U.S. alone. Over 50% of men over the age of 40 in the U.S. have some degree of ED, but there are simple lifestyle changes men can make to reduce the effect of erectile dysfunction on their sex lives.

Lifestyle changes that help with erectile dysfunction

Some cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by underlying health issues, but unhealthy lifestyles cause many. There are various lifestyle changes men can make to reduce the risk of ED occurring during sexual activities, and some of these changes can reverse the condition. Some of the simple things people with erectile dysfunction can do to alleviate its effects include:

1. Exercise more often

Any type of exercise from swimming to walking briskly helps to improve blood circulation all over the body which is crucial for healthy erections. Weightlifting exercises, in particular, are beneficial for men with ED since they increase the natural production of testosterone in the body, which benefits a man’s sex drive and erection intensity.

Those who prefer to exercise on stationary or regular bicycles should ensure the seat does not put pressure on their perineum since that can cause erectile dysfunction. Even simple things like walking for 30 minutes daily can help with ED. A study performed by Harvard showed that doing so reduces a man’s likelihood of having ED by 41%. Starting an exercise program should be one of the first things men who suffer from erectile dysfunction do.

2. Lose weight

Obesity is another common cause of erectile dysfunction, so anyone who is overweight and dealing with ED should consider losing some weight. Losing weight improves blood flow and reduces the production of stress hormones like cortisol which can interfere with the production of testosterone. The smaller a man’s waist is, the less likely he is to deal with erectile dysfunction. Losing weight helps to address ED while providing other health benefits.

3. Strengthen your pelvic floor

There is a common misconception that kegel exercises are only for women, but that simply is not true. These exercises can be just as beneficial for men since they help to strengthen their pelvic floor. Kegel exercises help to address other issues like urinating frequently at night, urinary hesitation, and constipation.

4. Make dietary changes

A healthy diet that is rich in fish, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits decreases a man’s risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Reducing red meat and refined grain consumption also helps. A healthy diet ensures the body has all it needs to produce hormones like testosterone that help regulate sexual function.

5. Reduce alcohol and tobacco intake

Unhealthy habits like excessive alcohol consumption and using tobacco products can increase a man’s risk of developing erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, mild to moderate alcohol consumption is known to reduce ED.

Excessive alcohol consumption damages muscle cells in the penis, increasing the risk of premature ejaculations. Smoking inhibits blood circulation in the body by damaging blood vessels, restricting blood from being delivered to regions like the penis.

Erectile dysfunction can be reversed

Lifestyle changes can help to reverse many cases of ED, and our men’s sexual wellness clinic in Boca Raton provides treatments like hormone therapy for more complicated cases of erectile dysfunction. Call or visit our Boca Raton clinic to set up an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Simply Men's Health at (561) 232-3704 for an appointment in our Boca Raton office.


Last reviewed and updated 5/28/24 by Simply Men’s Health

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