Boca Raton RejuvaWAVE ED

RejuvaWAVE ED Shockwave ®Boca Raton, FL

Reverse and CURE ED with RejuvaWAVE® ED  Multi Wave shockwave utilizing both focused and radial waves. Simply Men’s Health RejuvaWAVE protocol is the game-changing ED shockwave treatment with over a 95% success rate. Whether you are a man in your mid 30’s not performing at your peak, or in your 60’s or 70’s experiencing ED, or just want to boost size, RejuvaWAVE® helps.  Enjoy a spontaneous sex life again. No needles, No pills, No Surgery! Call us today at 561-232-3704 to learn more about how Simply Men’s Health, serving Boca Raton and South Florida, can give you back your life.
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    Turn Back the Clock with RejuvaWAVE Multi-Wave Shockwave℠ Laser over 95% success in curing ED!

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    In 2015, Dr. Katz owner and founder of Simply Men’s Health, South Florida’s premier erectile dysfunction clinic, revolutionized the treatment of ED with RejuvaWAVE® with an 80-85% success rate. Before RejuvaWAVE®, the mainstay treatment for ED was either Viagra, injections, or penile implants as a last resort. Now again, Dr. Katz, M.D., M.P.H.  is revolutionizing ED treatment with the first-of-its-kind kind RejuvaWAVE Multi-Wave Shockwave℠ protocol. This treatment combines both FOCUSED and RADIAL acoustic pressure waves and state-of-the-art photobiomodulation technology to treat the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.  Specifically, the non-invasive  RejuvaWAVE Multi Wave Shockwave protocol increases size, maximizes performance and effectively treats erectile dysfunction.  As a result, RejuvaWAVE Multi-Wave Shockwave℠ ED treatment has over a 95% success rate curing ED and Peyronie’s.
    Our medical team of physicians, physician assistants, EMT and laser specialists form a Florida medical group of the top experts. We  treat  erectile dysfunction, hormone therapy, anti-aging, memory issues and  orthopedic issues including arthritis with the most advanced, proprietary restorative therapies.

    Dawn of a NEW Era

    Older Couple

    RejuvaWAVE® Shockwave ED & Peyronie’s Cure

    No longer do men have to suffer with ED, because RejuvaWAVE® restores men’s sexual vitality and CURES ED and Peyronie’s. Our Florida medical group team comprised of men’s sexual health specialists, physicians, board-certified vascular specialists, nurses, and laser specialists, use Shockwave and Photobiomodulation to effectively treat erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s and other related issues. Not only does RejuvaWAVE® Shockwave REVERSE the underlying cause and CURE ED, but in addition, RejuvaWAVE® can PREVENT the inevitable slowing in the bedroom. Therefore, men no longer have to accept slowing down in the bedroom as an inevitable, normal part of aging. Instead, RejuvaWAVE® Shockwave therapy can keep you like Superman throughout your life.


    “I am 70 years old and have diabetes, open-heart surgery, and had a stroke. I haven’t had an erection in over 10 years and Viagra did nothing. Although, I have tried several clinics in the past, and nothing helped. I heard about this new treatment, RejuvaWAVE®, and gave it a try not having much expectations. To my surprise after my first treatment, I woke up with an erection, something I hadn’t seen in years. By my 5th treatment, I was having sex with my wife. It’s truly a miracle treatment.” – S.O.

    RejuvaWAVE® ED Shockwave Q & A

    What is RejuvaWAVE® Multi Wave Shockwave?

    RejuvaWAVE Multi-Wave Shockwave℠ is proprietary, cutting-edge ED treatment that directs a combination of low-intensity acoustic waves (Li-ESWT) and red and near-infrared laser therapy at your penis. As a result, this ED treatment activates your body’s natural healing process and attracts your body’s own stem cells.   RejuvaWAVE uses the genuine Swiss Storz acoustic wave machine and combines both FOCUSED and RADIAL waves.  Specifically, it is a clinically-proven, non-invasive therapy that can cure erectile dysfunction by enhancing blood flow, stimulating cellular metabolism and tissue regeneration.  In addition, the acoustic-waves therapy helps breakdown plaque in penile arteries that blood blood flow. This ED Shockwave harnesses the power of acoustic wave technology combined with restorative modalities to maximize your body’s own healing capacity.

    How does RejuvaWAVE® ED Shockwave Therapy Work?

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    RejuvaWAVE® Multi Wave Shockwave uses state-of-the art Swiss technology acoustic pressure waves and photobiomodulation to reverse the root cause of ED. Not all shockwave are the same. One RejuvaWAVE treatment is equivalent to three at most other copy-cat ED shockwave treatments. First, it opens up blood vessels and restores blood flow by safely dissolving years of built-up micro-plaque in the blood. In addition, it activates the body’s cellular repair mechanism breaking up scar tissue by causing micro-trauma and regeneration. As a result, this stimulates the regrowth and regeneration of new blood vessels, nerves and erectile tissue increasing blood flow and improving sensation. Finally, it promotes natural growth in penis size and girth.

    What are the benefits of RejuvaWAVE® ED Shockwave treatment?

    Since the introduction of RejuvaWAVE® to the United States by Simply Men’s Health in 2015, the results have been nothing short of amazing. As a result of promoting tissue regeneration and increasing blood flow, RejuvaWAVE® can CURE Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. In addition, this shockwave therapy helps REVERSE age-related decline in sexual performance.
    • 100% SAFE Non-invasive
    • No needles, No Drugs, No Surgery
    • Pain free
    • No Down Time
    • No Side Effects
    • 30 minute quick treatment sessions
    • Increases penile blood flow by breaking up plaque and growing new blood vessels
    • Angiogenesis and Neogenesis: growth of new blood vessels and tissue
    • Helps break up scar tissue in the penis and, as a result, may cure Peyronie’s
    • Stimulates cellular metabolism and tissue regeneration
    • Stimulates regeneration of nerve, thereby improving function and sensation
    • Promotes natural growth in penis size and girth
    • Improves sexual performance
    • Over 95% Patient Satisfaction

    How does RejuvaWAVE® Multi Wave Shockwave Differ From Other Shock Wave ED Therapies?

    Although Simply Men’s Health revolutionized the treatment of ED with the introduction of RejuvaWAVE® in 2015, European doctors have used shockwave to treat ED for over 25 years. As a result of extensive clinical testing, Simply Men’s Health developed their exclusive protocol combining acoustic waves and low-level lasers. Combining a multi-wave technology using both Focused and Radial waves using the Storz Medical Device and our proprietary protocol sets us apart from other ED wave therapies. Since the introduction of RejuvaWAVE®, many clinics offer different versions of ED shockwave such as GAINSwave®, SwissWave, CoreWave, Multi Wave Connect, REJUVAPULSE, etc. However, not all ED shockwave treatments are the same. RejuvaWAVE® distinguishes itself from all the others by our proprietary, multi-modality protocol, the application technique, and that we use the state-of-the-art Storz medical device combining both focused and radial waves and lasers. Even though others may use the Swiss technology device, RejuvaWAVE® Multi Wave Shockwave Laser protocol is the gold-standard in shockwave therapy for ED and Peyronie’s with over 95% satisfaction.  One of our RejuvaWAVE Multi Wave Shockwave treatments is equivalent to 3 or more other shockwave treatments. Patients travel to our Boca Raton office from all over the world for our exclusive multi wave Storz EPAT and laser therapies for pain and erectile dysfunction treatments.


      “I’ve come to Simply Men’s Health. I had gone to a previous place …this one is the real deal. Absolutely a completely different procedure. Everything here is much better. The procedure worked the first time. Completely satisfied” Jeff S.

    How Does RejuvaWAVE® Help with Peyronie’s Disease?

    Peyronie’s Disease is characterized by curvature or bend in the penis due to scar tissue and plaque inside the penis. Often, physical trauma such as rough sex or an athletic injury injured the penis. Other times, a bend just spontaneously appears. RejuvaWAVE® helps reverse Peyronie’s Disease because it breaks up the scar tissue and plaque that causes the penis to bend. In addition, combining PRP and umbilical-derived biologics with the RejuvaWAVE® magnifies the effectiveness of this non-invasive, painless therapy protocol. In fact, this combination protocol can actually reverse and cure Peyronie’s. This combination therapy works by breaking up plaque and scar tissue and activates your body’s own natural ability to Repair, Regenerate, and Renew.
    “I’m 34 years old and started to experience problems getting an erection and maintaining it over the last couple of years. I had tried Viagra and hormones, but it didn’t help. Then, I heard about Simply Men’s Health and made an appointment not knowing what to expect. I signed up for the 3-week EPAT therapy and the Priapus shot. After just a couple of treatments, I was getting erections, but even more amazing was that the curve in my penis straightened out. The treatment was only a few minutes and relatively painless, but the results are amazing.” – A.B.

    How Long Does it Take to See Results From RejuvaWAVE®?

    Although this varies greatly, usually it takes up to three months to see results because you are regenerating new tissue. But, from time to time, patients respond quickly and experience results in as early as three weeks. For example, we have had patients who were in their 70’s who have not been able to have sex in years enjoy sexual activity again in less than 3 weeks. Since ED shockwave in addition to breaking up micro-plaque stimulates the regeneration and regrowth of new tissue, you do not see immediate results when you walk out of the office after one session. Therefore, be patient, follow your physician’s protocol instructions, and attend all follow-up appointments.

    What are the first signs that RejuvaWAVE® is working?

    Initially, patients most often begin to experience “something” happening in the morning. Subsequently, they continue to experience improvements and restoration of spontaneous sexual function during the course of the 12 RejuvaWAVE® sessions. For as long as 3 months after the last acoustic wave treatment, patients continue to experience regeneration of penile tissue. Therefore, sexual function continues to improve with time and sexual activity.

    What is RejuvaWAVE® enhanced with PRP, and Biologics?

    Adding PRP and Biologics to RejuvaWAVE® accelerate and magnify the natural healing and regeneration. As a result of the combination, patients report dramatic improvements in performance and increase in size. Men in their 60’s and 70’s report the results as “amazing” and “wow”….. like Superman. In fact, some even say they can perform better now than even when they were much younger.
    “I’m 65 years old on multiple medications for high blood pressure, diabetes. Also, I’ve had heart bypass surgery a few years ago. In addition I’ve had a radical prostatectomy over 10 years ago for prostate cancer. Since then I’ve had ED. At first, Viagra worked well, and then it stopped working. I had been to a number of clinics but was not satisfied with the results. I’m not able to get hard erections that last long enough. I came to simply Men’s Heath and went through their RejuvaWave treatment as well as the Priapus shot. After the first Priapus shot I noticed an increase in the size and girth of my penis. Also over the weeks of treatment, I have experienced significant improvements and can have sex a couple of times a night. I am continuing with treatments on a regular basis and keep improving beyond my imagination.” – M.M.

    How Long Do the Results of RejuvaWAVE® Last?

    Studies in Europe have shown the results to last as long as two or more years. RejuvaWAVE® rejuvenates men, and, for many, restores functioning as if they were in their 30’s or even 20’s. If you live a healthy lifestyle and do not smoke, then the results may essentially last a lifetime. For example, many of our patients who have regained their sexual vitality are going strong for over six years…. Often men come for annual “tune-ups” to maintain their penis health and sexual vitality at peak performance. In the same way as you would take your treasured sports car in for tune-ups, likewise you need to take care of your sexual health.

    How is the RejuvaWAVE® ED Shockwave Treatment Performed? Is it Painful?

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    Non-invasive RejuvaWAVE® acoustic pressure wave therapy is similar to getting an ultrasound or sonogram. Actually, the procedure is not painful. At the most, during the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling sensation like pins and needles. But since it is being performed on the very sensitive tissues of the penis, the patient, if needed, first applies a topical numbing cream. Next, the medical provider applies ultrasound gel to the area. Finally, the provider administers the low-intensity acoustic pressure waves via a hand-held wand applicator that is moved over the area. Each treatment only takes about 30 minutes. After that, you can go home or go back to work.

    Who can benefit from RejuvaWAVE® Therapy?

    Any man who wants to keep his sex life running at peak performance, well into your 80’s and 90’s, can benefit from RejuvaWAVE®. For instance, if men start preventive maintenance in their 30’s and 40’s, this would prevent the slowing down with age. And ultimately, this would prevent the development of most cases of ED. Therefore, any man who wants to optimize their sexual performance and stay at the top of their game benefits from Shockwave therapy in addition to the following:
    • Men who have ED who would like to restore spontaneous sexual function
    • When one cannot tolerate the side effects of Viagra, other pills
    • Men for whom Viagra, Levitra or Cialis no longer work
    • Peyronie’s Disease (bent or curved penis), because the acoustic pressure waves can help break up the scar tissue. As a result, shockwave therapy lessens or eliminates the curvature without surgery or painful injection therapy.

    Could there be a future in which the accepted slowing down with age is no long inevitable?

    As a result of the NEW era in medicine, if men started preventive maintenance in their 30’s and 40s, most cases of erectile dysfunction could be eliminated in the future. In other words, all men over age 30 can benefit from RejuvaWAVE®. Whereas, no man ever thinks he is going to get ED, the fact is the majority of men will experience a decline in their 50’s and 60’s. What men accept as a natural age-related slowing down in their 30’s and 40’s is a warning of the dreaded ED in later life. As a result of RejuvaWAVE®, erectile dysfunction can be eradicated in the 21st century, just as the polio was eradicated in the 20th century.

    What is the Scientific Evidence for RejuvaWAVE® ED Shockwave Therapy?

    The technology of acoustic pressure waves is not new to the United States. Actually, this technology is FDA approved and widely used in the United States to break up kidney stones and in orthopedic medicine. Although acoustic pressure wave therapy for ED is just being introduced in the United States, it has been used for over 20 years in Europe and Israel. Notably, shockwave therapy has been shown to be very effective in treating Erectile Dysfunction with an over 80% satisfaction rate. As a matter of fact, Simply Men’s Health RejuvaWAVE Multi Wave Shockwave protocol distinguishes itself by achieving over a 95% success rate
    1. Low-intensity shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction: is the evidence strong enough?Mikkel Fode1, Georgios Hatzichristodoulou2, Ege Can Serefoglu3, Paolo Verze4 and Maarten Albersen5 on behalf of the Young Academic Urologists Men’s Health Groupdoi:10.1038/nrurol.2017.119 Published online 25 Jul 2017
    2. Radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy as a Novel Agent for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Refractory to Current Medical Therapy Dai Zhang, MM, Yun-Lei Wang, MM, Da-Xin Gong, MD,Zhao-Xuan Zhang, MM, Xiao-Tong Yu, MD, and Yue-Wen Ma, MDAmerican Journal of Men’s Health January-February 2019: 1–7
    3. Review of the Current Status of Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (Li-ESWT) in Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Peyronie’s Disease (PD), and Sexual Rehabilitation After Radical Prostatectomy With Special Focus on Technical Aspects of the Different Marketed ESWT Devices Including Personal Experiences in 350 Patients Hartmut Porst, MDCopyright  2020, International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc.
    4. Electromagnetic Low-Intensity Extracorporeal ShockWave Therapy in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction: A Sham-Controlled, Double-Blind, Randomized Prospective Study Kang Sup Kim , Hyun Cheol Jeong , Sae Woong Choi, Yong Sun Choi, Hyuk Jin Cho , U-Syn Ha , Sung-Hoo Hong, Ji Youl Lee, Seung Wook Lee, Sun Tae Ahn, Du Geon Moon, Woong Jin Bae, Sae Woong Kim Department of Urology, Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital, CollegeCopyright © 2020 Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology pISSN: 2287-4208 / eISSN: 2287-4690  World J Mens Health 2020 Apr 38(2): 236-242
    5. Long-term effectiveness and predictors of success of low-intensity shockwave therapy in phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors non-responders Zubairu S. Musaa , Ahmed El-Assmya , Ahmad M. Shokryb , Ahmed A. Shokeira , Tamer Zweena and Mahmoud R. Al-KenawyARAB JOURNAL OF UROLOGY  2020, VOL. 18, NO. 1, 54–58
    6. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy on erectile dysfunction—first results from a prospective studyPedro Costa, Jorge Dias, Ricardo Gouveia, Paulo Espiridião, Daniela Pereira, Raquel Rodrigues, Luís FerraAME Med J 2019;4:32 |
    7. EVALUATION OF RADIAL EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCK WAVE THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Pokorny, P. ; Turcan, P. ; Pokorny, P. ; Prochazka, M. ; Prochazkova, J.  Centrum MEDIOL s.r.o., Sexology, andrology, Olomouc, Czech Republic; Centrum MEDIOL s.r.o., Olomouc, Czech Republic;  University Hospital and Facult, Olomouc, Czech RepublicJ Sex Med 2015;12(suppl 3):216–240
    8. Retrospective comparison of focused shockwave therapy and radial wave therapy for men with erectile dysfunction Shannon S. Wu1, Kyle J. Ericson, Daniel A. Shoske Translational Andrology and, 2020;9(5):2122-2128 |
    9. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave Therapy shifts PDE5i nonresponders to responders Jiamin Wang, Lianmin Luo, Shankun Zhao, Yangzhou Liu, Zhiguo Zhu, Zhigang ZhaoVol. 46 (6): 934-942, November – December, 2020 doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.0374
    10. Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendation on the Use of Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy and Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Shock Wave Therapy to Treat Erectile Dysfunction: The Asia-Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine Position Statement Eric Chung, Joe Lee , Chia-Chu Liu , Hisanori Taniguchi, Hui-Liang Zhou, Hyun Jun ParkCopyright © 2021 Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology pISSN: 2287-4208 / eISSN: 2287-4690 World J Mens Health 2021 Jan 39(1): 1-8
    11. Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction after penile trauma Boyan Stoykov , Nikolay Kolev , Vladislav Dunev , Pencho GenovUrology Case Reports 30 (2020) 101133

    What are the side effects RejuvaWAVE® Therapy?

    There are virtually no side effects of acoustic pressure wave therapy. However, in rare instances, patients may experience minor discomfort for a few days. EPAT RejuvaWAVE shockwave revolutionized the treatment of ED in the United States. Regardless, patients always can return to work immediately after treatments. In addition, there are no restrictions on sexual activity. Actually, the more sex the better, because more frequent erections help to improve the effectiveness of the treatment.

    Call Us Today

    If you are looking for an alternative erectile dysfunction treatment to pills, injections, and invasive surgery, RejuvaWAVE® ED therapy may be right for you. Our team at Simply Men’s Health can help. Call us today at 561-232-3704 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.

    Contact Us

    Simply Men’s Health is located at 3301 NW 2nd Ave #101 Boca Raton, FL 33431. (561) 232-3704

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    Reviews Disclaimer: The testimonials and reviews featured on this website are individual experiences and reflect the personal opinions of those who have used our products or services. Results may vary, and these testimonials and reviews are not a guarantee of specific outcomes.