The Priapus Shot Is a Treatment for Erectile Dysfuction

Priapus Shot Boca Raton, FL An ED (erectile dysfunction) treatment with a Priapus Shot® can help men regain their sexual vigor. Men experience hormonal decline as well. This results in discomfort, especially during the sexual act. Many treatments are available to help treat ED. Among these treatments is the Priapus Shot. If you want to know more about this treatment for your ED, here are the things you should know.

The use of PRP (platelet-rich plasma)as a treatment for erectile dysfunction

Studies show that PRP is a blood component. It can promote tissue generation and healing. PRP therapy can treat muscle or tendon injuries. A Priapus Shot uses PRP. This helps in the treatment of penis enlargement and Peyronie’s disease. It can also improve male sexual performance as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

The mechanism of a Priapus Shot

Platelets are important in clotting after a tissue injury. These substances also have protein growth factors for healing. Plasma is the liquid component of blood. It makes up almost half of the blood volume. In ED, PRP aims to make the penile blood vessels and tissue healthier.The doctor starts by taking a sample of the patient’s blood. Then, the blood takes a spin in the centrifuge. This process separates the platelets from the plasma. This results in a higher concentration of platelets. Then, the doctor injects the ready PRP into the patient’s penis. This is the Priapus Shot.This treatment is quick. The patient can leave the clinic after an hour. Patients do not need to fast or prepare anything for the procedure. The procedure will not need anesthesia, so the patient can drive home after.The patient will experience many changes as the treatment progresses. There will be firmer, longer erections and increased stamina during the sexual act. The blood flow in the genital area is better, resulting in better sensitivity. It also results in bigger penile girth and longer penile length. A Priapus Shot can also reduce instances of premature ejaculation.

Does more than improving male sexual function

This treatment can do more than improve male sexual function. A Priapus Shot can also treat prostate discomfort and urinary incontinence. It can clear Peyronie’s disease as well. This disease causes inner penile scarring, resulting in excruciating erections. The pain produces bends in the penis. This can worsen in time, resulting in curved erections.

Surgery-free and drug-free solution

A Priapus Shot is simple and fast. The patient may feel some discomfort from the blood extraction. But the rest of the treatment is comfortable. The doctor will inject a local anesthetic first. This will ensure the patient’s comfort during the injection.Some men see immediate changes. It takes about three months before the patient sees the maximum results. Healthy penile tissue will have returned to the area by then. The patient could start having more fulfilling sexual encounters.

Priapus Shot, as a treatment for erectile dysfuntion, can solve the problems from your long-time ED

The phallus has long been the symbol of machismo. That is why the inability to perform well in the sexual arena can be depressing to some men. Modern medicine offers many solutions to ED. One of the latest techniques in correcting ED is through a Priapus Shot. This solution may be the one you have been waiting for. An appointment with your doctor can help you regain your self-image.Get more information about Simply Men’s Health in Boca Raton at

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