Revolutionary Ground Breaking Multi Wave Shockwave Biologics Laser CURE for erectile dysfunction COVID

COVID Causing a New Wave of Erectile Dysfunction: How RejuvaWAVE® ED Shockwave Laser, and PRP Biologics Can Help

COVID-19 Pandemic invades our bedroom and leaves its mark on men’s sex lives even as young as 20’s and 30’s. Although COVID can wreck havoc with your sex life, Simply Men’s Health of Boca Raton RejuvaWAVE® Multi Wave Shockwave Laser protocol helps.Dr Ramasamy, director of male reproductive medicine and surgery for the University of Miami Health System found that about 20% of men who got COVID developed erectile dysfunction because of it.  Even if you had a very mild case of COVID or were asymptomatic, months later, men even as young as 20’s and 30’s develop profound erectile dysfunction.  Regardless, RejuvaWAVE ED Shockwave therapy reverses COVID-related ED. 

How Does COVID  Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Although people often compare COVID-19 to the flu, COVID differs because it can cause inflammatory response of body organs.  In particular this virus attacks the endothelial lining of the blood vessels.   As a result, of endothelial damage, COVID affects vascular circulation and impairs blood flow to the penis causing erectile dysfunction.       Even seven months after infection, Dr. Ramasamy and his researchers found virus remaining in the endothelial cells of penile tissue. Consequently, this suggests direct damage to the endothelium blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum.In particular, men who have diabetes or heart disease are at highest risk of getting ED side effects after COVID.  But even health young men as young as 20’s may develop COVID-related erectile dysfunction.  In summary, COVID infection damages the endothelium and as a result affects the blood flow to the penis. 

 How to Reverse Covid-induced Erectile Dysfunction with ED Shockwave (EPAT) and Biologics

Simply Men's Health Boca Raton's premier men's sexual health doctors reverse COVID 19 ED with multi-wave RejuvaWAVE shockwave, Laser photobiomodulation and Biologics

Simply Men’s Health ground-breaking ED shockwave may correct penile blood vessel endothelium damage by the following mechanisms:
  1.  Swiss technology RejuvaWAVE® Shockwave Protocol stimulates the regeneration of new tissue and the regrowth of new  blood vessels restoring blood flow to the penis
  2.  Photobiomodulation lasers therapy stimulates mitochondrial ATP production encouraging and facilitating healing
  3.  PRP + Biologics combines platelet-rich-plasma and Wharton’s Jelly and umbilical growth factors and mesenchymal cells.  This powerful combination stimulates vascular growth, decreases inflammation and stimulates endothelial cell growth and repair improving the architecture in the corpus cavernosum.
Attacking the root cause of COVID induced erectile dysfunction with our revolutionary EPAT and Biologics repairs the damaged blood vessels, regenerates new blood vessels and restores blood flow. 

Simply Men’s Health ED Shockwave + Biologic Treatments Can Change Your Life

Come visit us at our state-of-the-art Boca Raton office at 3301 NW 2nd Ave or Call us at 561-232-3704

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