Boca Raton Non-Surgical Hair Restoration

Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Boca Raton, FL

Men no longer need to accept hair loss as a normal part of aging because of Simply Men’s Health non-surgical hair restoration medical protocol.   Regrow your own hair! No wigs, no hairpieces, and no surgery!  As a result of this treatment,  men can prevent hair loss from progressing while promoting the regrowth of healthy hair.  Therefore, if your are searching for treatment for hair loss near me, do not hesitate to seek treatment as early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Non-surgical medical hair restoration is available at Simply Men’s Health in Boca Raton and the surrounding area. Our team can help you regrow thicker and fuller hair. Consequently, this will enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. Call us today at 561-232-3704 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.

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    Both Men and Women Suffer from Male Pattern Hair Loss

    Hair loss is a common issue that affects millions of men and women worldwide. In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, about two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of hair loss by the age of 35. Furthermore, hair loss can start in boys as early as their late teens. Approximately 85% will have significantly thinning hair by the age of 50. Many factors can cause hair loss, such as medication, stress, hormonal changes, auto-immune diseases, and genetics.

    Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss that men experience. But, male pattern hair loss does not just affect men. Despite its name, male pattern baldness can affect both men and women.  In contrast to men, male pattern hair loss usually occurs around menopause. To clarify, this type of hair loss is associated with high levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a sex hormone. Specifically, DHT stimulates the development of male characteristics.  Because of DHT penetration into the scalp, the DHT-sensitive hair follicles miniaturize until they cannot support a healthy hair growth cycle.  As a result, initially hair thins, and eventually the hair follicle dies resulting in baldness.

    Preventing Hair Male Pattern Hair Loss

    Unfortunately, there is little that people can do to prevent hair loss. Preventing hair loss is not possible when from disease, aging, genetics, or stressors like injuries. However, people can prevent some hair loss by eating a healthy and nutrient-rich diet, quitting smoking, and avoiding tight hairstyles. Early diagnosis and treatment helps stop further hair loss and regrow your own hair. Catching this condition early and receiving prompt treatment allows men and women to stop the progression of thinning or receding hair and restore their growth. Our team at Simply Men’s Health provides non-surgical hair restoration to to repair and restore the DHT  damaged hair follicles.


    What is RejuvaHair™Hair Loss Treatment?

    Before, surgical transplants were the only hair restoration option for people who found lotions and shampoos ineffective. Now, there are more advanced non-surgical options available. We provide revolutionary RejuvaHair™ medical-hair treatments to regrow your own hair.

    Hair Loss Treatment

    Hair Loss Treatment

    Simply Men's Health RejuvaHair™ hair loss treatment is a proprietary, multifaceted, non-surgical, hair-restoration protocol.  Specifically, this protocol combines state-of-the-art PRP, DHT-blockers, and oral or topical minoxidil with low-level laser. As a result, this hair loss treatment STOPS hair loss and stimulates REGROWTH of your own hair in both men and women. This protocol revitalizes the hair follicle by blocking DHT with both topical and oral medication, finasteride or dutasteride.  In addition, the PRP utilizes growth factors from your you body combined with umbilical growth factors and biologics.  Accordingly, this combination stimulates your body's healing capacity to stop the miniaturization of the hair follicle and regrow your own hair.  The earlier you start a hair loss treatment program, the better the chance of stopping further hair loss and regrowing a full, thick head of hair.


    Regrow Your OWN Hair Naturally with RejuvaHair™ Hair Loss Treatment

    RejuvaHair™, a proven, non-surgical, hair restoration program exclusive to Simply Men's Health serving Boca Raton and South Florida, actually regrows your own hair.   No need for surgery or hair transplants.Also, to the surprise of many, hair transplantation is not necessarily a permanent solution to male pattern hair loss.  RejuvaHair™ protocl helps men who have already had transplants main their transplanted hair.  In addition, it slows or prevents the further loss of DHT-sensitive hair follicles.

    Simply Men's Health RejuvaHair™ non-surgical hair restoration protocol combines systemic  and local DHT blockers (dutasteride or finasteride) and proprietary compounded topical minoxidil prescriptions or oral minoxidil.    In addition, we use Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PFP), umbilical growth factors and biologics along with prescription-strength Capillus laser treatments. These prescriptions help to stop male pattern hair loss and promote hair regrowth. Notably, this non-surgical hair restoration program stops the progression of hair loss in both men and women. In fact, the hair restoration treatment helps both men and women regrow ta full head of healthy, thick and vibrant hair.

    RejuvaHair™ Hair Loss Treatment Restoration Protocol

    • Enhanced PRP consists of a proprietary combination of growth factors concentrated from your own blood enhanced with umbilical growth factors and Biologics.
    • Next, this platelet concentration is injected into the patient’s scalp.  As a result, this treatment stimulates hair follicle growth and reverses hair follicle miniaturization.
    • In addition, RejuvaHair™ protocol consists of a proprietary formulation topical DHT blockers (finasteride or dutasteride), minoxidil and spironolactone developed  through 30 years of treating hair loss. Our compounded formulations stop and reverse male pattern hair loss in both men and women by extending the hair growh phase and reducing DHT scalp levels.
    • Our team also prescribed systemic DHT-blockers such as Propecia (finasteride) or Avodart (dutasteride) along with low-dose oral minoxidil
    • Also, patients benefit from FDA-approved, at home, prescription-strength Capillus laser cap. In fact, this laser accelerated the RejuvaHair™ PRP Hair Loss treatment. Specifically, the low-level laser increased blood flow to the scalp and stimulated cellular activity.

    Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Recovery and Results

    RejuvaHair™ PRP and Prescription Protocol stimulates the body’s innate healing processes. Patients typically report evidence of treatment improvement after three months, but it can take up to six months, depending on the patient’s hair growth cycle. Results vary depending on the patient’s overall health and individual healing.

    Patients with hair loss due to stress or past medications often achieve long-lasting and, sometimes, even permanent results. However, hair loss due to chronic conditions or genetics is a lifef-long and progressive condition.  In contrast to stress-related hair loss, this hair loss requires continual treatment in order to maintain the results from non-surgical hair restoration.  Once patients receive RejuvaHair™, they can maintain their hair regrowth for a lifetime with the Capillus laser cap and topical prescriptions.

    Call Us Today

    Therefore, if you are looking for a minimally invasive treatment for thinning or receding hair, non-surgical hair restoration can help. Our team at Simply Men’s Health offers solutions to stop hair loss from progressing and maintain hair regrowth. REGROW your own hair. Imagine stopping hair loss and look in a mirror and see your a nice thick, natural head of hair. Call us today at 561-232-3704 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is hair loss more common in men or women?

    Men are more likely to experience androgenetic alopecia than women. This is due to the hormone DHT, which is a by-product of testosterone. Since men are constantly producing testosterone and thus DHT, therefore, men are more likely to lose their hair than women.

    How should I prepare for non-surgical hair restoration treatment?

    Before patients can receive RejuvaHair™, they should stop taking any anti-inflammatory medication for about a week. Patients should also keep their hair and scalp clean and not use any hair products the day before the procedure. In addition, because it can affect the healing process and results, we also advise patients to avoid smoking or dying their hair for three days prior to treatment.

    How soon before I can return to my normal activities after non-surgical hair restoration?

    After the treatment, our hair restoration experts will provide patients with instructions on what activities they can or cannot do.  Since RejuvaHair™ is a minimally invasive treatment, most patients can continue their everyday activities after receiving treatment. Nevertheless, we recommend that patients avoid vigorous exercise and exposure to the sun and heat for two days after treatment.

    How long does the RejuvaHair™ procedure take?

    Unlike surgical treatments for hair loss, RejuvaHair™ is less invasive and takes less time to complete. For example, the process involving blood extraction, platelet concentration, and injection only takes about an hour. Once patients receive the injection, they may remain under observation for a few minutes.

    How long does it take to see results from the hair loss treatment?

    Usually, due to the hair growth cycle, it takes about three to six months to see results.   First, further hair loss slows.  Then, depending on the hair growth cycle, by the 3rd to 6th month you notice hair thickening and regrowth.  But, depending on your health and hair cycle, some respond faster.

    What are the potential side effects associated with RejuvaHair™?

    Since this treatment involves injecting patients with their platelets, major side effects are absent. Therefore, also, there is no risk for disease transmission or rejection. Potential side effects are associated with the injection rather than the PRP solution, such as infection, pain, scar tissue, or nerve injury. Our experienced team uses the proper techniques and protocols to keep our patients safe during this procedure.

    Contact Us

    Simply Men’s Health is located at 3301 NW 2nd Ave #101 Boca Raton, FL 33431.

    Healthcare Disclaimer: The information on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health.

    Reviews Disclaimer: The testimonials and reviews featured on this website are individual experiences and reflect the personal opinions of those who have used our products or services. Results may vary, and these testimonials and reviews are not a guarantee of specific outcomes.