Signs of Erectile Dysfunction

F Erectile Dysfunction Boca Raton, FL Although the inability to sustain an erection at one time may not be a reason to be concerned, one needs to take action if this happens repeatedly.  Unlike a single episode, recurrent events of erectile dysfunction (ED) may have negative effects on your sexual wellness.  Therefore, do not hesitate to visit the wellness center about what is going on. Furthermore, the doctor will consider the signs that you are experiencing and recommend the appropriate action to take.

Signs of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a prevalent issue, but the signs may vary from one person to another. While one person may be able to hold an erection for short periods, another might be unable to achieve an erection at all. Nevertheless, the key to treating ED successfully is to identify the early warning signs and get help promptly.

Signs of erectile dysfunction include the following.

Problem achieving an erection

The main symptom of ED is the inability to get enough erection when desired. Whereas ED may be a temporary problem or a long-term issue for some people, However, it can persist to the extent where it can interfere with personal relationships.Although an erratic issue with getting an erection may be regarded as normal, repeated episodes are not.  However, if a person’s ability to get an erection when desired becomes unpredictable, this might be a case of ED.  Even if the person can still get an erection occasionally, they can have erectile dysfunction.

Difficulty sustaining an erection

Maybe it is possible to get an erection, but it does not last long enough to finish or truly enjoy the activity. In fact,  erectile dysfunction can be related to factors like stress, hormones, the nervous system, emotional well-being, muscle tone, medications and circulation.Although being unable to sustain an erection may be situational, sexual arousal is a complex body function, so it is in one’s best interest to visit the wellness center for a consultation if sustaining an erection and having pleasurable sexual activity becomes a hassle.

Inability to get an erection

First, men experience episodes of inability to get an erection. Then, men progress and may not be able to get an erection at all. As a result this may cause distress, guilt, shame, embarrassment and other unpleasant emotions. In this situation, the person may also feel that their inability to engage in sexual activity has a significant impact on their relationship, affects their self-esteem and lowers their sense of health and sexual wellness.

Other signs of erectile dysfunction to watch

Moreover, a combination of psychological and physical factors may contribute to erectile dysfunction. For instance, a physical condition could limit the body’s ability to get an erection. As a result this may lead to anxiety and further complicate the issue of ED. In addition, other symptoms associated with ED include:
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Inability to ejaculate
  • Delayed ejaculation
  • Reduced libido or sex drive
  • A dysfunction in the muscles of the pelvic floor
  • Low levels of the hormone testosterone
  • Inability to get aroused after enough stimulation (known as anorgasmia)
  • Injury to the pelvis, such as pelvic fractures

Final note

The wellness center has professionals with training and experience to discuss and treat erectile dysfunction. Although ED is more prevalent in aging adults, it is completely possible to achieve sexual wellness well into your older years.Request an appointment here: or call Simply Men’s Health at (561) 232-3704 for an appointment in our Boca Raton office.

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