Lifestyle Habits for Male Sexual Enhancement

Male Sexual Enhancement Boca Raton, FL

Male sexual enhancement depends on one's overall sexual wellness. While medical treatments are available to help enhance sexual performance and gratification, certain lifestyle habits can also help. Therefore, no matter if you have received treatment and are looking to prolong results or want to enhance your sexual experience holistically, these six lifestyle changes can help.

6 Lifestyle habits to improve male sexual enhancement

1. Alcohol and smoking cessation

Alcohol and nicotine are two well-known deterrents in one's overall wellness, significantly affecting the way the body functions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nicotine damages blood vessels and impairs blood flow to the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction, or ED. Excessive alcohol consumption can distort one's sexual desire, impair erectile function, and decrease testosterone levels. Limiting or quitting these substances can have an enormous impact on one's sexual experience.

2. Avoid substance abuse

Of course, there are more substances to beware of than alcohol and nicotine. Illicit drug use or the abuse of certain medications can have destructive effects on male sexual enhancement. Whether they are illegal street drugs or prescription medication, a chemical is being introduced into the body and is likely to cause a hormonal imbalance. Avoiding recreational drug use is essential, but as for prescriptions, it is important to let the doctor know all medications one is taking to avoid treatment interference.

3. Stress management

Chronic stress is another deterrent to male sexual enhancement. Stress is known to trigger the release of cortisol, a hormone that hinders sexual desire and can lead to ED. Regularly engaging in stress-reducing activities can help prevent this condition. Also, if one is feeling stressed leading up to or during a sexual encounter, it is better to be honest about these feelings and remove oneself from the situation. Doing so can help benefit male sexual enhancement in the long run, not only in the moment.

4. Stay active

Considering exercise is a stress-reducer, regularly engaging in it can impact one's overall health. We suggest trying exercises such as jogging, swimming, running, yoga, or other activities one enjoys. Of course, only participate in activities within one's physical capabilities. Other aims of engaging in physical activity are to increase blood flow to the genitals, energy levels, and stamina, all of which directly impact sexual performance and pleasure.

5. Maintain a balanced diet

A less-known factor of male sexual enhancement is having a healthy, balanced diet. Introducing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides the necessary nutrients to support optimal sexual function. Additionally, foods filled with vitamins (B and C), omega 3, magnesium, zinc, and antioxidant properties such as:

  • Avocados
  • Dark chocolate
  • Oysters
  • Pomegranates
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries

It should also be stated that avoiding processed (altered) foods, such as lunch meat, product-filled cheeses, and breads, should be avoided. According to the National Library of Medicine, processed foods and an overall poor diet can cause ED and a low libido.

6. Get enough sleep

Another less-known and often overlooked deterrent of male sexual enhancement is the amount of sleep one receives. According to Science Direct, the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep to function in the long run. This rule is appropriate for all areas of one's life, not only for sexual enhancement. An adequate amount of sleep will help promote hormone balance, effectively enhancing sexual function and performance.

Learn more today

Improving male sexual enhancement is a phase many will go through at various stages of their lives. In addition to these tips, we can provide a more in-depth look at your overall sexual wellness to help you achieve a more fulfilling sex life. Contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Request an appointment here: or call Simply Men's Health at (561) 232-3704 for an appointment in our Boca Raton office.

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