Treat Hormone Deficiency With Low T Treatment

Low T Treatment Boca Raton, FL Testosterone is one of the main hormones in men, and its levels decrease due to age and other factors. To help reverse the accompanying symptoms, low T treatment is available. Testosterone is produced in the testicles and is necessary for a variety of things, such as red blood cell production, strong bones and muscles, mood, and cognitive ability. Testosterone replacement can help keep men functioning at normal levels.

Causes of low testosterone levels

Age is a natural cause of declining testosterone levels. The hormone hits its highest levels in the later teens or early 20s, and it begins to decline starting around age 40. The rate of decline is around 1% or 2% each year, and this can begin to cause symptoms as men reach their 50s. However, age is not the only contributing factor to low testosterone. Other factors that determine when low T treatment may be recommended include:
  • High body fat
  • Cancer treatment
  • Stress
  • Certain medications
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Testicular injury
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Kidney or liver disease

How low T treatment can help

Low testosterone can be determined by doing blood tests and a physical exam. If there are low levels, and the individual is experiencing certain symptoms, low T treatment may be suggested. Treatment may come in pellet, patch, injection, or cream form. There are numerous benefits that a recipient may notice.

Better sex

Some of the symptoms of low testosterone are reduced sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Increasing hormone levels often result in more and improved sex.

Increased mood

Low T levels can greatly affect a man’s emotional state. Some symptoms include irritability and depressed mood. The benefits of increasing the levels of the hormone in the body include a better mood and more stable emotions.

Clearer thinking and memory

Memory issues, difficulty with problem solving, and a foggy mind are quite common in men who do not have sufficient levels of testosterone. Low T treatment can help with a variety of cognitive functions. Testosterone may also remedy sleep problems, which also contribute to a clearer mind.

Body fat loss

As an increase in body fat occurs with declining testosterone, one of the benefits of hormone replacement therapy is a loss in body fat, which often results in total weight loss.

Athletic improvements

A number of unwanted symptoms, such as body fat gain, decreased muscle mass, and fatigue, make it more difficult to work out and see results. Low T treatment is common in athletes and bodybuilders, as it contributes to athletic gains. Some of the results that men notice from taking testosterone include stronger and bigger muscles, more endurance, less recovery time, and a better physique.


When men reach a certain age, low T treatment may help treat certain symptoms. Because there are some risks with this treatment, it is recommended that men discuss the pros and cons with a medical professional to see if it is the right method for them.If you are suffering from low testosterone symptoms, you may benefit from low T treatment. Contact our office to set up a consultation today.

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