How Testosterone Therapy Is Used for Sexual Wellness

Testosterone Therapy Boca Raton, FL Testosterone therapy (TRT) is used for both men and women struggling with sexual wellness. Actually, in addition to just low libido, low testosterone can be very unhealthy. So that is why therapy exists.  In fact, aside from restoring sexual wellness, it can also be beneficial towards the body’s overall balance.  TRT also can cure low energy levels and a lack of motivation. Therefore, you should continue reading to find out what it is most commonly used for.

A quick guide to testosterone therapy for sexual wellness

The following information highlights what testosterone replacement therapy is and how it can be used for sexual wellness. Specifically, this review can be quite helpful to individuals struggling with sexual wellness.

How testosterone therapy is used

As stated above, testosterone replacement therapy treats a number of things.  However, most commonly, men seek TRT to improve sexual wellness.  In short, outlined below are a few of the ways that testosterone therapy is used for sexual health.
  • The administration of testosterone can help cure erectile dysfunction. As a result, TRT can greatly benefit one’s sexual wellness
  • TRT boosts overall sex drive, because when testosterone levels are higher, libido improves.  Thus, TRT often given for low libido.
  • Testosterone helps to decrease fat and increase strength. As a result of less fat and increased muscle mass, men experience better stamina during sexual activity
  • Increased testosterone after therapy positively impacts sleep schedules. Thus, this increases energy throughout the day. Therefore, higher energy is likely to lead to better sexual health

What is involved in treatment

Testosterone therapy may include a number of things depending on the person’s preference, situation, and pre-existing conditions. For example, treatment types include gels, injections of testosterone, mouth patches that release testosterone into the bloodstream orally, or skin patches that are applied once a day.

When to consider it

Testosterone therapy should be considered when other methods for a boost in sexual wellness are not working. Additionally, if any of the following symptoms are noticed, sexual wellness may be at risk and sufferers should, therefore, consider therapy.
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low sex drive
  • Irritability
  • Lack of interest romantically
  • Fatigue or low energy levels

What else to know about testosterone therapy

When it comes to testosterone replacement therapy, it is important to understand that not everyone is a good candidate for it.  For example, individuals with preexisting conditions such as sleep apnea, prostate cancer, or congestive heart failure should not undergo testosterone therapy as it can worsen these conditions.

Find out more

First, when in need of testosterone therapy, the best thing to do is consult with a specialist. For instance, in most cases, one’s primary care physician can evaluate the situation and then make a referral if need be. Next after referral, the specialist makes an appropriate treatment plan. Finally, depending on your condition, most likely the plan include testosterone therapy.  Therefore, to find out more or to get scheduled for a consultation appointment, reach out today. We would be happy to answer any questions or go over any concerns that you have.Request an appointment here: or call Simply Men’s Health at (561) 232-3704 for an appointment in our Boca Raton office. 

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